Emorimor 111

January 18, 2025

Harnessing Cultural Tourism: A Path to Transforming Teso

Cultural tourism offers an exceptional opportunity for the Iteso people to leverage their rich heritage, transform socio-economic conditions, and establish a stronger identity on the global stage. The recent Ateker Reunion in Soroti exemplifies the economic and social benefits cultural tourism can bring. Institutionalizing such events as annual fixtures could pave the way for sustainable prosperity, akin to communities in Uganda and Africa that have successfully capitalized on their cultural assets.
January 2, 2024

The King of Iteso HRH. Papa Sande Emolot, calls upon Iteso and her Diaspora to invest in Teso.

Iteso Cultural Union has put forward among its 2024 new year resolution a plan to raise revenue to help in availing scholarships for the students in […]