AIDO Network International

AIDO Network International is a non-profit organisation headquartered in London with chapters and affiliated traditional leaders and kingdoms in several countries in Africa, that promotes peace and respect through culture as a means for unity and sustainable development. Our objective, among others, is to uphold the spirit of UBUNTU (Humanity or Human Rights) and thus promote social inclusion across all communities everywhere.


AIDO is an international NGO, established in 2018, as ‘Ateker International Development Organisation’. It has since widened its reach, with chapters in Germany, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Togo, Uganda, USA, and the UK. 

The network is strengthened by its membership made up of individuals, cultural institutions, community groups and organisations, all committed to using their expertise locally to contribute sustainable development and social change.

AIDO members, commonly referred to as ‘Aidoers’ work together through the organisation’s local, national and international structures.

Need for Aido

Culture has been left behind as society deals with current affairs and issues. AIDO, through its work brings culture to the forefront of change.  AIDO through its work:

  1. Is a voice of the voiceless 
  2. Engages Cultural role models to promote unity and social change.
  3. Encourages stakeholders to embrace the vision of Corporate Social Responsibility in culture.
    • Fosters networking and sharing of good practices internationally

Role of culture

  1. It is not a luxury – It is a necessity which has the power to contribute to social and economic growth.
  2. Provides a ready canvas for us to identify areas for community development, preservation and innovation for future generations.
  3. Reinforces traditional values such as integrity, a good education, personal responsibility and strong ethics.
  4. Promote Cultural leaders as Ambassadors and role models to increase dialogue for community empowerment.

Core Objectives

  • To promote cultural heritage
  • Develop and undertake capacity building activities to empower communities
  • Campaign and advocate for human rights
    Network and lobby for support and development partnerships
  • To advance informal education
  • Investment in Sustainable development programmes

Strategic Goals

  • To promote cultural heritage through preservation, documentation and intercultural exchange
  • To deliver impactful social and economic programmes in collaboration with education, health, inequality, peace, justice and strong institutions
  • To create direct and indirect employment through investment in programmes for the youth especially in Africa
  • To significantly increase AIDO membership internationally