The UK Karamoja Community Joins In Celebration Of The Karamoja Cultural Event
September 15, 2023AIDO Graces the Caribbean Global Awards 2023 Event
October 1, 2023Wednesday, 20 September 2023 (CARICOM Secretariat, Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown): Reflecting on ten (10) years of activities aimed at defining a path to reconciliation, truth and justice for victims of slavery and native genocide and their descendants, the CARICOM Reparations Commission (CRC) has attributed recent progress to strategic alliances with key stakeholders.
Strategic Partnerships
The CRC has built strong partnerships and coalitions to increase advocacy and awareness in the Americas, Africa and Europe; strategic alliances were formed with the National African American Reparations Committee (NAARC), Global African Congress in Canada, Glasgow-Caribbean Centre for Development Research, Ateker International Development Organization (AIDO), universities in the United Kingdom, and regional civil society organisations, notably those that have become members of the CRC