AIDO is at the United Nation (UN) Headquarters in New York to participate in this year’s Summit under the theme “Dignity, Freedom and Justice” for all.

Following the AIDO 5th Convention in Mombasa, Kenya, one of the key resolutions was to call upon governments and civil society to promote Human rights awareness and Education across our communities for a more Just Inclusive and Equitable world in the spirit of Ubuntu.

Aido Network International is represented by Aido Global President HRH.Papa Paul Eganda, Aido Vice President HE. Ambassador Ireneo Namboka, accompanied by his Spouse, and the Director of Programmes at AIDO HH. Queen Grace Eganda.

Aido stands in Solidarity with United for Human rights International under the leadership of Dr. Mary Shuttleworth to advocate for human rights education to be part of our school curriculum system so as to equip our young people with the knowledge and tools that they need to stand up for a fair and just world.

L - Aido President HH Paul Jones Eganda, HH Queen Grace Eganda, President YHRI Dr Mary Shuttleworth, HE Amb Ireneo Namboka and his Spouse at the UN Headquarters
L – Aido President HH Paul Jones Eganda, HH Queen Grace Eganda, President YHRI Dr Mary Shuttleworth, HE Amb Ireneo Namboka and his Spouse at the UN Headquarters