Just A Few Words
About The Event
The Aido Investment and Business Committee (AIBC) is pleased to bring to you this year’s first forum that is built on the success of our inaugural event held virtually in November 2020 due to the on-going global pandemic.
It is on this background that AIBC, together with our partners are hosting a virtual forum on May 22, 2021 at 2PM UK Time under the topic “Post Covid – Healthcare Investment and Opportunities in Africa”. The Programme will feature different stakeholders across the Health Services value chain in a discussion that will:
- Connect health sector players in Africa to exchange lessons learned and identify areas for collaboration
- Highlight emerging health service delivery and investment models that are being implemented in Africa
- Showcase health sector professionals driving innovation and change across the region and
- Share knowledge and empower our audience with information to make better healthcare decisions
By bringing people together, Aido through the AIBC aims to put Africans at the center of designing and delivering solutions that solve its most pressing challenges while generating commensurate economic benefits for ourselves and our community.
Have A Look At The
Event Schedule
22 May 2021
02:00 Pm
Opening Remarks
02:10 Pm
Welcome Remarks
02:30 Pm
One – One Discussion
An interview between Linda and Anke
02:40 Pm
Longevity and Vitality in Health by
Guest Speaker:
03:00 Pm
Panel Discussion:
Moderated By: Henrietta Wamala
03:50 Pm
Q&A Session
Henrietta Wamala