AIDO Delivers a Moving Keynote address at the International Cultural Diplomacy forum, in London.
AIDO Network International has joined like minded organisations and Diplomats across the globe in a journey to advocate for cultural diplomacy as a front for driving social development and ensuring the goal of attaining human rights freedom.
Represented by the global president His highness Paul Jones Eganda, AIDO Network International highlighted eye opening insights regarding cultural diplomacy in-line with the work of the organisation at a two days International cultural diplomacy forum(ICD) and stop human trafficking conference held at Universal Piece federation (UPF) in London United Kingdom.
In addition to unravelling Cultural diplomacy as a type of public diplomacy and soft power that includes the “exchange of ideas, information, art, language and other aspects of culture among nations and their peoples in order to foster mutual understanding,the president further stressed that at AIDO Network International, the vision is to foster a world where cultural diversity is not only celebrated but also harnessed to build peace, unity, and sustainable development.
“Our mission is to facilitate cultural exchange and engagement, driving initiatives that empower communities, enrich lives, and contribute to a more harmonious global society, one that is rooted in the principles of human rights and the African philosophy of “Ubuntu ku Muntu.” “ He added.
The president asserted the importance of Cultural diplomacy in improving dialogue and mutual understanding as integral components of attaining sustainable development.
“AIDO Network International brings together over 600 traditional and cultural leaders from Africa and around the world, fostering collaboration on issues that affect our communities such as FGM, human trafficking of children (a modern day slavery), Reparatory justice, conflict resolution, environmental stewardship, and
community development” he said.
In conclusion, the president appealed to the diplomats in attendance to harness the power of cultural diplomacy to build bridges between our peoples and nations.
The conference was embraced by many excellent speakers, lords, MPs ministers,ambassador’s and kings who further participated in discussing the future of Africa and the subject of world human trafficking.
Among the key note speakers, the Ambassador of Palestine in London delivered an excellent speech on human genocide and an unjust world.
Dr Sheikh Ramzy, the AIDO Board of director in charge of faith relations discussed the strategies in-line with putting an end to human trafficking and further encouraged unity to foster change.